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29 January 2015

British houses...

We find construction in these old British houses to be kind of interesting...

This is our downstairs cloakroom (aka half bath)...

There is no venting system, and the window was painted shut decades ago...

Solution... there are holes drilled through the exterior wall of the house. Holes. There is a decorative grill over the inside, but no kidding, they are just holes. Have I mentioned what spider mating season is like in Great Britain? I will save that for another post.

Currently, it is January, and it is cold here. Like last week, it was in the twenties. Can you just imagine how cold that bathroom is when it is in the twenties? Or thirties or forties, for that matter.

Ummm... energy efficiency anyone??

And here is the window seat beneath the front window in our reception room (aka living room)...

On a sunny day, you can actually see the sunlight shining through the missing mortar in the brick wall. The exterior brick wall is all that is under that window seat.  So, in the lame effort to try to insulate from the cold a bit, we bought some insulation and put it in there. It might help a little, but I'm not totally convinced.

And just because I am sure your day wouldn't be complete without seeing a picture of our loo (aka toilet), here is what it looks like - complete with wooden seat.  And the sink, with mixed taps!

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